In this page you will find every day a thought, an aphorism for the day.
Furthermore you will be able to find reflections on current topics of varied nature.



"The Brahmin Dona saw the Buddha sitting under a tree and was so impressed by his aura emanating calm and conscious, as well as by the splendor of his appearance, who asked him:
- Are you by chance a god?
- No, Brahman, not a god.
- So you're an angel ?
- No, indeed, Brahman.
- Then you are a spirit ?
- No, not a spirit.
- So you're a human being?
- No, brahmana, I am not a human being [...]
- [...] And then, what are you? [...]
- [...] I am awake. "
(Anguttara Nikaya - book four - "Dona Sutta)











Epochal revolution


As often reported, we are experiencing a process of unprecedented transformation that, as expected, more and more converge in a fundamental turning point.

The ecological imbalance of the world has become by now apparent, with actual confirmation by the scientific community.
Unfortunately, the same has been somewhat late, especially after decades of complaints from environmentalists and indeed probably we have already exceeded the point of no return. The data confirm that from 1880 until now there has been a global warming of 1 ° C. the consequences are already visible worldwide in the form of melting glaciers, rising levels of the oceans and seas (in the last century increased by 17 cm), melting of arctic ice, desertification, floods, increase in weather disasters (storms , floods, typhoons), ocean acidification, etc..
Already starting from a global warming of 2 ° C, expected is about 2050, the consequences will be devastating.
For objective data please consult the NASA site:

Despite superficial compensatory maneuvers and a hoped hypothetical recovery, the economic crisis which occurred in 2008 is far from resolved!

The abuses of the political-economic powers, that have in fact created a state of the global plutocracy, show more their negative consequences in the form of poverty, destruction of forests, of ecosystems, of biodiversity, wars, migration, terrorism, etc., etc.

How much are we aware of what is happening in the world? Surely it is developing a new awareness, namely that what was always considered just and true, it's really just a great mask to hide cynical, ruthless, destructive and complacent logics.

Crucial times are approaching and the ability to wake up and react of humanity will be determinant! Already this year the laws of synchronicity indicate that there may be more events of paramount importance, especially in the period around march 23 this year.

We are all called to an awakening of conscience, based on the awareness of the indissoluble interdependence of all parts, both micro- and macrocosmic. life is absolute unity and if our thoughts, words and actions lead to fragmentation, these immense problems can never be solved.
We have an extraordinary opportunity to build a new world and the masters of wisdom are ready to show us a new way to perceive, think and live life.

That intelligence, love and proper use of will on the part of every human being can restore balance and harmony needed for the happiness of all living beings.


(posted 10.1.16)


Synchronicity lightning

After the lightning bolt on the Vatican:

fell in February 2013 on the day of the resignation of the Pope, by the law of synchronicity is interesting to ask the meaning of the lightning that struck on the 16 january 2014 the Christ of Rio in Brazil, before the World Cup. It broke his right thumb. This finger in psychoenergetic medicine corresponds to conflicts of abandonment.
In this interpretation is questionable until mankind will abandon herself, leaving many people die of hunger, children who will never grow up, preferring to invest huge sums for leagues. Perhaps the time has come where humanity find unity with his spiritual side and therefore also human.
Here's the lightning:

To end this reflection, I report forward the thought of the aphorism 29 of the book "Leaves of Morya's Garden 1" H. Roerich:

29. Water cannot extinguish the Fire that will purify the world,
Nor wash away the rivers of blood. By new scourges will the world be purged
of its evil. I expound happiness. I shall designate the path for the battle
against the bazaar that is the present world. People have reached a dead end, but lightning will
reveal the way out, And thunder will arouse the slumberers. Mountains have crashed to earth. Lakes have been drained of their waters. Cities have been engulfed by floods. Hunger shows its face. Yet has the spirit of humanity remained unmoved. Go, teach, stretch out the hand of aid!

Painting by N. Roerich


Dr. Luc Montagnier (Nobel Prize of Medicine) proves the validity of scientific homeopathic principle


Luc Montagnier, Nobel Prize of medicine in 2008, publishes an article in 2009 on the prestigious journal of Physics (Journal of Physic) under the name DNA, waves and water:

DNA, waves and water

In the article Montagnier explains his discovery where some sequences of DNA can cause low-frequency electromagnetic signals in highly diluted aqueous solutions, which are then ' memory ' of the same DNA characteristics. This explains quite clearly the scientific basis of homeopathy, where through diluition and succussion, you can potentize the therapeutic substance information, leaving trace of this unit of energy-information in the water. The link between the search of Montagnier and homeopathy is so evident, that the Nobel himself has publicly stated:



On December 24, 2010 the Nobel Prize winner has been interviewed by Science where reiterates its discovery and the subsequent scientific evidence of the veracity of homeopathic potencies:

Science Interview

In the article Montagnier also explains that he had to transfer its research centre in China, as the scientific and intellectual terrorism that prevails in France and Europe, does not allow research in this field. If a Nobel Prize winner must flee from Europe to do research, we can realize in which precarious situation lies today the modern scientific western community. We can safely declare that science and the search for truth is dead by several decades. The cause? Stratospheric, billionaires interests of industries, particularly those pharmaceutical. They are the ones who decide what is scientific and what is true. It is they who decide whether an article can be published on the primary reference scientific journals. Now is always the old refrain: money has a priority and a much higher value to the truth.

The scientific study of Montagnier will be yet another study which proves the veracity of the homeopathic method and that despite this is shamefully trashed. A further crime of the industrial mafia camouflaged from white coat. But the grotesque side of this event, this time to be trashed is not only a scientific study, but also a Nobel Prize of medicine.

To know more here some other links:


The memory of water




Science and spirituality: some topics






Turin Shroud 'was created by flash of supernatural light'


World collapse

‎"Not only large financial instituions which are tumbling into bankruptcy; the whole world is becoming bankrupt - mentally and spiritually. The world is going through a huge crisis and all the medicines have been tried and failed. The tumour has to burst open before the healing can begin.
The world is in such a chaotic state that it could happen at any time. The politicians and the generals can do nothing to stop it -everything they have tried to avert disaster has failed.
The world is like a vulcano waiting to erupt - in fact it is only a matter of time before it bursts open."

(Maitreya, May 1992)


Economic Crisis


The economic crisis is advancing instead of stopping.

If in the past the longing for power by egoistic people happened through dictatorships and military forces, nowadays it happens through economic forces. Only very few people hold the power and the west is like a puppet that precisely acts what is being told by this plutocracy. Even worse is the fact the two thirds of the world’s population is kept on their knees and forced to live in complete poverty. If in the past dictatorships killed a relatively small number of people, nowadays our economy kills millions: an estimate is that each year 36 million people die of starvation!!! A true massacre. This means that each second a person dies for lack of proper nourishment, 4'000 die each hour, 100’000 each day!

But this killing machine has a weak spot: its foundations are rooted in exploitation, and when the resources run out, the building is bound to collapse. This is what we are witnessing since 2008, where the world economies started to leak everywhere. Until now the danger of collapsing has been reduced by big economic compensation maneuvers, but it will not be able to work in the long run. Gradually people will not bear the dire situation and there will be more and more protest demonstrations. This will become an extraordinary opportunity for an unprecedented revolution, allowing us to define new ways of conceiving human relations and social-economic-political-spiritual balances on the planet.

To have a more technical economic understanding I highly recommend the writings of Raj Patel, a brilliant character, who will surely play an important role in the coming events.
He wrote two books:

Stuffed and Starved
The Value of Nothing

You may see his videos at the following link:

His website is:

For a greater spiritual understanding of what these current times involve, I recommend these links:



(posted 5.8.2011)

The awakening of consciousness


The announced economic crisis, despite the apparent political efforts, continues to advance relentlessly.

The implosion of the old economic structure is inevitable, despite the fact that the world power continues to believe the illusion of a separative system for the benefit of a few at the expense of many (daily die 100 ' 000 people in the world for lack of food). But this criminal institution of a few powerful people begins to see its end. Millions of human people are awaking to a new consciousness, realizing the unlimited power at the disposal of the human family and of his true, innate goodwill. A huge number of people, spurred by a new spiritual consciousness enveloping the globe, is reflowing in the squares of all the cities in the world by demonstrating that they no longer agree to be the puppet unscrupulous people.

This is the biggest opportunity in the history of mankind to make a radical change and start building a society that is really the reflection of our divine spark.



(posted 1.11.2011)


Gurdjieff’s Advices to his Daughter




Focus your attention on yourself

Be aware every moment of what you are thinking, feeling, desiring or doing.

Complete aways what you have begun.

Do what you are doing as best as possible.

Don’t be attached to anything who finally could destroy you.

Develop your generosity without witnesses.

Treat every person such as it is your next to kin.

Clear up what yoy have mess- up.

Learn to receive, and be thankful for every gift.

Stop your self defending behaviours.

Don’t lie, don’t steal, if you do it so, then you lie and steal to yourself.

Help who’s close to you without making it dependent from yourself.

Don’t take up too much space.

Don’t make noise nor unnecessary gestures.

If you don’t have it yet, then imitate the faith.

Don’t be easly impressed from the strong personalities.

Don’t seize anything nor anyone.

Distribute equally.

Don’t seduce.

Eat and sleep the strictly necessary.

Don’t speak about your personal problems.

Don’t judge nor discriminate until you don’t know the most part of the facts.

Don’t make useless friendships.

Don’t follow the trends.

Don’t sell yourself.

Respect the agreements you have signed.

Be punctual.

Don’t envy the others assets nor results

Speak only about what is necessary.

Don’t think about the benefits that your action could bring to you.

Don’t threaten.

Keep your promises.

During a debate,put yourself always in the others skin.

Admit when someone exceeds you.

Win your fears.

Help the others to be able to help themselves.

Win your feelings of disliking and be close to those you wish to refuse.

Transform your pride in dignity.

Transform your anfer in creativity.

Transform your greed in respect for the beauty.

Transforyou envy in admiration for the others values.

Transform you hate in charity.

Don’t praise nor insult yourself.

Take care of what does not belong to you, such as is yours.

Don’t complain yourself.

Develop your imagination.

Don’t share orders for the mere pleasure of being obeyed.

Pay for the services the others make to you.

Don’t propagandize your work and ideas.

Don’t try to awaken in the others feelings towards youself such as: pity, simpathy, admiration, complicity.

Don’t try to stand out for your appearences.

Never contradict, just be silent.

Don’t run up debts, buy and pay immediately.

If you have offended publicly, apologize publicly.

If you notice you have said something wrong, don’t insist in such error for pride and desist immediately from your purposes.

Don’t defend old ideas for the mere reason you have enunciated them.

Don’t preserve useless objects.

Don’t decorate yourself with others ideas.

Don’t photograph yourself with famous persons.

Be your judge.

Never define yourself in according with what you possess.

Be aware that anything is yours.

If you meditate and the Devil comes, make the Devil meditate.


Can art change the word?


"The Lost Satsang" Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj




Life in universe


Research conducted by NASA have discovered the presence of traces of DNA in the meteorite, validating the hypothesis of the presence of biological life in space (without mention of that etheric):



Raj Patel: the voice of change






















Raj Patel at Terra madre 2010


Raj Patel dwelt on the right to food, recognized as essential for Humanity:
"The defence of commons-the common goods- is the only possible answer, they are not utopies, just watch the traditions of indigenous peoples who live in harmony with nature and have reached unthinkable levels of knowledge. The sovereignty of the food is the way through which a democracy can reaffirm that it does not forget anybody, beginning with women. Our fuel will be the pleasure and we will catch up the stars!"


Generosity makes us happiest. We’ll be happier people when we share, not when we impose, but when we learn from one another. Because when I’m connected to everyone I disappear … in being excellent you lose yourself. And when you’re connected to everyone, that’s the best thing that can happen.

Raj Patel


Tibetan Yogi meditate inside fire




The coming One on a Horse


Nicholas Konstantinovich Roerich "The Coming One" (The Great Rider). 1927, Tempera. Ulan Bator Art Museum, Mongolia


Football match between philosophers





Paintings of Nicholas Roerich





The Call (Maitreya through Helena Roerich)


Into the New World my first message.

You who gave the Ashram,
And you who gave two lives,
Builders and warriors, strengthen the steps.
Reader, if you have not grasped — read again,
after a while.
The predestined is not accidental,
The leaves fall in their time.
And winter is but the harbinger of spring.
All is revealed; all is attainable.
I will cover you with My shield, if you but tend to your labors.
I have spoken.


I am — your Bliss
I am — your Smile
I am — your Joy
I am — your Rest
I am — your Strength
I am — your Valor
I am — your Wisdom


Maitreya, the Conqueror. Nicholas Roerich, 1926 (or end of 1925)





"This fact is hinted at in The Bhagavad Gita where, upon the battle field of Kurukshetra, Arjuna suddenly sees the form of God wherein all forms constitute the One Form. The battle is then over. The soul is in complete control; no sense of separativeness is again possible."
DK, TSR, V2.



Some pictures from India



The Self is a burning flame



Creative imagination





Show me God

















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